Half model (made by Steve Parson to Doug Hylan’s lines drawing) of the 65’ sardine carrier OQUIRRH, built in 1919 for Farnsworth Packing Co of Brooklin.
Mark Sutherland’s painted version of OQUIRRH, complete with deckhouse, was based on a photo of the real boat the day she was launched form Wilbur Morse’s shop in Friendship.
Model makers Steve Parson (left) and Mark Sutherland with a few of the wonderful models Steve has donated to BKS.
Brooklin Canneries and Workers
Reed Organ, made by Esty 1892
Owen Flye and The Lookout
Earlier Exhibit (August, 2014)
June Eaton greets visitors this summer during the area’s Touring Through Time progam. BKS’s new exhibit Steamboats on Eggemoggin Reach will be open again this spring.
Models of the sidewheeler J. T. MORSE & the propeller-driven SOUTHPORT are included along with timetables and publications.
Also, there’s a wall devoted to half models of some Brooklin commercial sailing vessels.